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Recipe Book Holder

A recipe book holder, with the back plate in the form of a heart, is made to hold the recipe book open at the desired pages. The pages are held open, hands-free and with the book upright avoiding staining from spillages etc.

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  • Recipe Book HolderRecipe Book Holder

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    Recipe Book Holder - isometric

    Plan 1: Recipe Book Holder - isometric

  • Recipe Book Holder rearRecipe Book Holder rear

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    Recipe Book Holder - rear view

    Plan 2: Recipe Book Holder - Rear View

This project utilises the template used in the construction of the Paper Towel Holder to give the heart-shaped backing-plate that forms the book holder.

This demonstrates the advantage of using templates with router flush trimming bits, as a number of projects can be performed, and reproduced with relative ease. The size of the heart-shape was determined previously for the paper towel holder, but was fortunately large enough to be useful in a number of other situations.

The heart-shape has also been used as a teapot coaster, ash-tray base and a couple of other small items that make pleasing gifts.

Heart Shape Template

Firstly, print the heart shape template (Plan 2 from the Paper Towel Holder project) on paper and then cut out using scissors. Paste this cut paper template onto a suitable piece of 'scrap' fibro-board, chip-board or other approximately 5mm thick material.

Using a coping saw or similar, carefully cut the heart shape into the template material. The more precise the shape the better, as the final shape achieved will be exactly reproduced into the final material that will form the base of the paper towel holder.

Cutting the Heart Shape

Using hot-glue or similar, attach the prepared heart shaped template to the piece of timber that forms the backing plate. Using a coping saw or similar, 'rough' cut so that the piece of material that will form the backing plate is approximately the shape of the heart.

Using a router with a flush trimming bit, then trim the remaining material (make sure the bearing on the flush trimming bit runs against the heart shaped template). Once completed, remove the heart shaped template.

Using a round-over router bit, round off the edges. With successively finer grade sand-paper, sand the work piece smooth.

Base Plate

Using the dimensions given in Plan 1 and Plan 2 above, cut the necessary pieces to form the base. The size of the base-plate (and the heart-shaped backing plate) allow A4 size books to be easily accomodated by the book stand.

Using a round-over router bit, round of the edges of the base. With successively finer grade sand-paper, sand the work piece smooth.

Assemble the various pieces and attach using wood glue.

The completed work piece is then 'painted' with three coats of clear varnish, or stained and coated with a similar product of choice.


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