Description |
Download Link |
24LC256 EEPROM | 24LC256 |
A4988 Stepper Motor Driver | A4988 |
ACS712 Current Sensor | ACS712 |
Non-Inverting Hex Buffer | CD4050 |
14 Stage Binary Ripple Carry Counter | CD4060 |
Quad 2-Input NAND Schmitt Trigger | CD4093 |
BCD to 7 Segment Driver | CD4511 |
3-Digit BCD Counter | CD4553 |
CMOS Hex Schmitt Trigger | CD40106 |
Aosong Humidity and Temperature Sensor | DHT11 |
1-wire Digital Thermometer | DS18S20 |
DS1307 Real Time Clock | DS1307 |
ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module | ESP8266 |
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ranging | HC-SR04 |
Hitachi Dot Matrix Liquid Crystal Display | HD44780 |
HX711 ADC Weigh Sensor | HX711 |
LM2596 Step-Down Voltage Reg (SMPS) | LM2596 |
Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensor | LM35 |
5V Positive Voltage Regulator | LM78L05 |
3-Termincal Adjustable Voltage Regulator 1.2V to 37V | LM317 |
Quad Op-Amp | LM324 |
Programmable Shunt Regulator 2.5V Reference | LM336 |
Dual Low Power Op-Amp | LM358 |
1.5A Low Dropout Positive Regulator | LM1086IT |
RS232 Transceiver | MAX232 |
MAX471 Current Sensor | MAX471 |
Serially Interfaced, 8-Digit LED Display Driver | Max7221 |
MCP4921 12-bit DAC | MAC4921 |
555 Timer Chip | NE555P |
Nokia 5110 LCD Display | Nokia5110 |
NRF24L01+ Single Chip 2.4GHz Transceiver | NRF2401 transceiver |
PIC microcontroller PIC16F876 | PIC16F876 |
PIC microcontroller PIC16F722 | PIC16F722 |
PIC microcontroller PIC18F248 | PIC18F248 |
Servomotor | SG90 |
8-Bit Shift Register | SN74HC595N |
Quad Half-H Driver | SN754410 |
Solid State Hall Effect Sensor | SS496A1 |
Color Light-To-Digital Converter | TCS3471 |
TLC271 Operational Amplifier | TLC271 |
Programmable Precision Reference to 36V | TL431 |
3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulator 5V | UA7805 |
Darlington Transistor Array (7 NPN-pairs) | ULN2003 |
RGB LED Integrated Control Package | WS2812 |
DFPlayer MP3 Module | YX5200 DFPlayer MP3 |
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