Site Map
- Home Page
- Electronic Projects
- DIY Electronic Lab Tools
- ATX PSU Conversion
- Digital Counter
- DIY PIC Development Board
- Electronic Dummy Load
- Gaussmeter
- LED Strip Light
- PCB Drillpress
- UV Lightbox for PCB's
- Power Supplies
- Transformerless AC to DC Supply
- 1.2-25V, 1.5A Power Supply
- 1.2-25V, 4A Power Supply
- Power supply using Wall Warts
- DC-DC Step Down SMPS
- Test & Measurement
- Gaussmeter
- Electronic Dummy Load
- Digital Thermometer
- DIY Spectrophotometer
- IV-Curve Tracer (for solar cells)
- PIC Microprocessor Projects
- Flash LED with a PIC
- Interface LCD to PIC
- Matrix Keypad connection
- Bar Sign (matrix LED display)
- Digital Thermometer
- Bluetooth LED Garden Lights
- Guitar Effect Pedals
- Bazz Fuzz Pedal (Super Simple Fuzz Box)
- A high gain distortion/ overdrive pedal with 3-band tone stack
- Guitar Effect Pedal Prototyping Board
- Miscellaneous
- Learning Electronics
- Component Testing
- ACS712 Current Sensor
- A4988 Stepper Motor Driver
- DHT-11 Humidity Sensor
- DS1307 Real Time Clock
- DS18S20 Temperature Sensor
- ESP8266 WI-FI Module
- HC05 Bluetooth Module
- HC595 Shift Register
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ranging
- HX711 ADC Weight Scale
- LM317 Voltage Regulator
- LM35 Temperature Sensor
- MAX471 Current Sensor
- MAX7221 LED Driver
- MCP4921 Digital Analog Converter (DAC)
- Nokia5110 LCD
- SG-90 Servo Motor
- SN754410 H-Bridge Driver
- TCS3471 Light to Digital Converter
- WS2812 RGB LED
- PIC Microprocessors
- PIC Analog Digital Conversion
- PIC Pulse Width Modulation
- Flashing a LED
- Button Debouncing with PIC
- Tear-Downs and Salvaging
- ATtiny Microcontrollers
- Flash a LED ('Hello World' for ATtiny micro's)
- ATtiny85 Button Debouncing
- Port Expansion PCF8574A
- Serial Communications (RS232)
- Interface with the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- ESP8266 Wi-Fi/Microcontrollers
- Downloads & Products
- Hydroponics
- Wood Working
- Miscellaneous Information
- Picture Gallery