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Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

  • What is the benefit of becoming a member?
    • Bronze membership is FREE, and enables you to enter comments or ask questions in the various site message boards. Higher levels of membership give access to downloadable material and other benefits. See the Member Registration page for more details.
  • My circuit (and or project) does not work, what's wrong (please help etc)?
    • Firstly, mains electricity (i.e., from the 'power' socket on the wall etc) is VERY DANGEROUS, and at no times should be used in a DIY project (legal disclaimer). But if you 'must' use mains electricity, remember at your own risk, never use a part of your body to test for the presence of mains voltage, always use appropriate fuses, circuit breakers etc, and if you have any doubts (then don't) or at least seek advise from a qualified person.
    • In terms of problems when constructing various circuits such as described in the various sections of this site, the following general advise may help:
      • If you are new to electronics (or whatever hobby/endeavour) start with a simple example/project and after gaining some experience, move on successively to those of more difficultly.
      • Be prepared to fail, learn by experience, take one step at a time, READ HEAPS (and then read some more - the datasheet is your friend).
      • Construct the circuit/project one step/module at a time, and then check operation as you go, and only then continue with the construction. This 'piece wise' approach hopefully means any small errors are found early, before causing further problems. Never recommended to construct the entire circuit and then test. If possible, test the circuit/ connections/ components on a breadboard or similar prototype first, before going to PCB.
      • When debugging code/circuit layout and or connections, try not to make 'assumptions', double check everything. Never forget to actually USE YOUR EYES and check what you have actually done, not what you THOUGHT you did.
  • Where do you get components, bits and pieces etc for the projects?
    • Depends where you live this may or may not be a problem. Ebay is your friend. I have bought many electrical components cheaply over the years from ebay sellers in China, Singapore, Hong Kong etc without many problems - but you need to be aware that the shipping will be slow, so plan ahead.
    • Scrounging parts, and building up a 'junk box' of components and bits and pieces salavaged from junked/broken/disused electrical equipment is very helpful. Have a look at my Tear-Downs and Salvaging page. Make sure your friends know that before they throw away any broken electrical equipment, give you the chance to 'pick at the carcass' first!
  • What does it cost to become a member?
    • Bronze membership is FREE, Silver Membership is $2, Gold Membership is $4.95 and Platinum Membership is $49.95. The costs are in $US and are per annum. Payment is via PayPal. Higher levels of membership give access to downloadable material and other benefits. See the Member Registration page for more details.

"If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be millionaires".

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