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Miscellaneous Projects

Below are listed various electronic projects that I have worked on over time. Each project has been tested to at least the breadboard stage, whereas, many have been fabricated on either PCB or veroboard. In all cases, full details of the working circuit (including schematic diagrams, circuit descriptions, component selection) and any difficulties encountered during construction (and fixes, alternatives or work-arounds discovered) are given in detail.

Details of the various projects are available by clicking the links in the following tables which list projects by either category, project title or ID number.

Where I encountered new components, circuit ideas and or concepts I have not previously used, often I produced small test circuits to focus on learning the new item. Details of such experiments and learnings can be found on the Component Testing pages.

Sometimes I developed software (using either Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, CSS C++, or Excel spreadsheets) to help with various projects. Such programs, modules and or source code can be found on the Downloads pages.

Click column title to change sort order
Project Title Description Difficulty
Bar Downlights High power white LED's are used to make downlighting for the Bar Easy
Desklamp conversion to LED A desklamp (incandescent bulb) is converted to LED using a transformerless AC to DC supply and 350mA white LED's. Medium
Fruit Food Dehydrator PIC based project that uses heating and peltier device to control humidity/remove water for drying of fruit and foods Medium
Hydroponics Pump Timer Timer/Controller for a 12V pump for dispensing hydroponic nutrient solution. Powered from 12V battery and solar cell recharging. Medium
Infinity Mirror/POV LED Lights Various circuits (some involving PIC microcontrollers) examining and experimenting with "infinity mirrors" and POV LED lights. Medium
LED Garden Lights Salavaged LED's are used to make garden lights for illuminating walking path/stairs at night time. Easy
PID Controller for Heater PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) Controller firmware for PIC 16F786A to control air heater with PWM and DHT-11 humidity/temp sensor. Medium
DC Motor Control PWM DC motor speed control using pulse width modulation (PWM) via 555 Timer IC circuit. Easy
Spectrophotometer A visible wavelengths spectrophotometer is constructed from a LED light source, DVD "diffraction grating", PIC microcontroller and LDR/phototransistor as detector. Difficult
Ultrasonic Night Light A white LED night light, that is activated by an ultrasonic sensor, with battery backup based on a joule thief circuit. Medium



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